Helen Purcell

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sea Shell Necklaces

I have been playing around with my shells again. here are my first 3 necklaces,
Have broken a few practicing drilling the holes , I used some battered up ones to start with, kind of fun and creative.
Now a visit to Hobby Lobby for chains and hooks and will try my hand at earrings to match,,,somewhat anyway, the one in the middle is with a leather cord and the others with a black cord.
But want to make them extra special with the gold., I have 3 special little girls in mind.
All in All its quite fun. you would think I love seashells or something?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Personalities Done

Yeah I finally got the kitkats done, with there personalities at least HAHAH Enjoy!

strange since of humor

I know we have a strange since of humor, But we had to laugh when one gets advertisement as this .

Then following another as this.. How special is that? IN THE SAME DAY
we had to laugh

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Household Odors Gone in a Snap

Lingering household odors can be frustrating to get rid of, but they don't have to be! You don't even have to buy a lot of expensive cleaning products either. Here are a few simple tips for getting rid of those pesky household odors in a snap, leaving you with more time to do the things you would rather be doing.

  • You can use lemon juice to get rid of odors like fish, onion, garlic and spaghetti sauce from hands, cooking utensils and pans. You can even use lemon juice on a wet dish rag to wipe your counter tops and cutting blocks down to remove any lingering odors.

  • Grinding up any citrus peel while running hot water into your garbage disposal will remove any lingering odors wafting up from it.

  • Keeping a box of baking soda in your refrigerator and in your freezer will absorb any odors from your appliances, leaving them smelling clean and fresh. You can also place a box of baking soda in your bathrooms behind the toilet to remove any odors that might arise there.

  • You can toss a tablespoon of baking soda onto any nasty spill in your refrigerator or freezer to absorb some of the mess and cut any odors the spill itself might cause. You can also do this in your bathroom or on any smooth surface.

  • Use a cup of vinegar in your washing machine when doing a load of laundry to remove any odors from clothing and from the washing machine itself. You can also boil about a half a cup of vinegar with two cups of water on your stovetop to remove pesky, lingering odors in your kitchen.

  • Placing a cotton ball soaked in pure vanilla extract in a small saucer and placing it anywhere in your home or even your car will eliminate odors and freshen the air, giving it a sweetened scent.

  • You can remove almost any odor from your home by boiling cinnamon and cloves in about two cups of water. This will not only eliminate lingering odors, but freshen the air in your home as well.

  • Placing a few drops of tea tree oil in any room of your house or even in your car will eliminate lingering odors and freshen the air. You can also use tea tree oil in your dish water or laundry to cut lingering odors that are difficult to remove.

Using these tips will help keep your home and car smelling clean and fresh no matter what the lingering odor might be, without the use of harsh cleaning products that can discolor or leave an odor of their own. By using items you already have in your home, you are not only being frugal, but cutting your cleaning time in half.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Well there are always a new pill for diet , so they work? mostly not.

But Im sure Alli does its job,,, but how ? well anyone that has taken it then you know, But really all it does is filters all the fat out of what you eat and well you know the rest.

And also teaches you NOT to eat the wrong things that will keep you inthe bathroom all the time.

And also I think the product can take alot of your nutrision also.

Now My story and adventure with Alli, I purchaced it , started to take as they say , well the next day it began,,JOY BTW dont eat pizza! anyway I started to watch my diet and so for but after a week and a half I became tired , exausted.,week AND very depressed more so than ever

{ I take antidepressants Wel.xl } well it was the worst I mean worst feeling I had ever had and I NEVER want to feel that way a gain!. I mean it was like a fast passed spiral down of dread and thinking of ways to end it,,, and I never thought of that before,,,never gotten that depressed. just your normanl hormonal imbalanced female thing, well I slept and slept,,, it was summer and I went out on our deck and I just could not move it was like My body was so beatened down , at first I thought do I have the FLu> my leggs were like lead.

It took all I had to walk from one end of the yard to the next. my muscles burned and was so tired like I just worked out??

I would go to bed at night, and afraid to wake up due to what Im going to feel like, I mean I was actually haveing panic attacks cause I had dread what my emotional being was going to be.

well this went on for over a month or so. same thing in the morning every time.

SO IT DAWNED ON MY BRAIN!!!..OMG this alli May be also not letting my medications dijest into my body? I may actually drained all of it out and thats why I went spiraling down so fast.

Well I stopped taking it. started to medicate myself, as I took a pill and a half,,,was fun trying to cut those!. I was already on 300 mg so was trying to take another 150,. and I started to eat really high protien anything to nurish my body, I had eggs < boiled. chicken and more chicken HAH. Nuts and so fourth eating salids with eggs and chicken of course and juices btw thats how I got on my grapefruit and protien way of eating,

well you know each day I started to feel normal and thats the way I had to describe it , is normal I was getting more like my self and after the 3rd morning I woke up.. I layed there and my mind was totaly blank,,,as usal,,, and I actually FELT GOOD.. it was the best feeling and had my energy back and was cheerful again... was a big relief.

SO MY experiance with the product was not pleasant to say the least. and the scarry part. peaple that need certain typed of medications for the health.. thats like playing with fire... so to anyone that is taking any kind or alot of differant ones and your thinking about trying alli, PLEASE consult your Dr. cause you can face devasting effect maybe even death....so I hope this helps anyone or anyone wants to spread the word about medications can be at risk with the product please do... this has been my experance and I sure would like to hear from anyone elses experance.

Now I stick with what works for me personaly.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cleaning Your Microwave

Please clean up after yourself and remember your mother does not work here". This was a sign clearly displayed in our workplace kitchen dinette corner. Indeed, our workplace kitchen was nicely spic and span clean. The refrigerator was immaculate, the silverware always shiny, and a pleasant smell of baked apple pie came from an aromatic candle displayed on the table as a centerpiece.

However, there was one lousy area that for some reason everybody had a hard time cleaning. Such area was not easy to perceive upon first visiting that room. The truth came all out once one decided to pop one of those ready meals into the microwave. Then the grotesque sauce crusts along with the pitiful splattered meat sauces were revealed to the unfortunate diner.

Cleaning a microwave can indeed be a challenging task. Nobody really can say it is a pleasurable thing to do. The sauces and gravies tend to splatter and cake just above everywhere, on the bottom, sides, top and on the turn table. Procrastination in such cases is not really worthy. You either wipe it up when fresh or you may find yourself doing double the trouble next time.

However, there are some special insider secrets that people tend to resort to, when planning to make wiping a microwave a speedy and fast experience. Some claim that such cleaning methods allow microwave owners to clean up the microwave back to factory settings in ten minutes or less.

There are different methods that can be experimented, until one finds the one that works best. Here are a few:

1) As Simple as Water

In order to clean up the mess quickly and effortlessly, the dried, caked mess needs to return in the state it was upon being spilled and splattered in the first place. Doing so requires vapor and humidity. This can be accomplished by filling a microwave proof bowl with water. The bowl is then placed in the microwave and allowed to cook for about 5 minutes. Then, the bowl is left for an additional 3 minutes allowing the vapors to encase all they caked areas. Finally the microwave can be wiped down easily with a sponge.

2) The Power OF Lemon

Cut a fragrant lemon in half. Squeeze the juice in a microwaveable bowl and add to it about 1 cup of water. Allow to cook for about 8 minutes. The vapors here will works as above however, the lemon will add a pleasurable fragrance and its acidic content will help up cut elbow grease efforts in half!

3) Cook the Towel

Basically, wet well a (cotton only ) dish towel and place it in the microwave. Cook on high for about 4 minutes. Let the towel stay in with the door closed for an additional 4 minutes. Open the door, add some soap on the towel and then when it is easy to handle (careful not to get burned) wipe down the microwave with the towel.

As seen, it doesn't take much to clean your microwave in less than 10 minutes. However, there is really an even faster method to clean up that may take less than two minutes: wipe the splatters and grease marks right away.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Coming Soon

Well I have been asked and asked buy Friends & Family to have a page on our feline family and whats is life like living with 12 felines,,, we had 13 but our oldest Max has passed away and will miss him dearly,

So I will gather pictures of each and there stories and such,, and have been asked what does it take,,, and , , how and what to I do ect ect,,, this will open up also anyone with ideas and help and there own advise with, , there cats or animal companion. I will welcome any here,,

And was asked about the care of long hair,,, well thats simple just keep it clean! HAH well have a few on that, along withtips and tricks on makeup. cleaning tips ect ect.

My beautiful niece in law Jessica has inspired me on that on my blog also she has WONDERFUL tips and just love her blog,,, her's is on the right hand side, Faith~Family~Friends.

well keep popping in as I try to gather some info and redo my blog area,,, any suggestions???? let me know

2010 Indian Rocks Florida

2010 Indian Rocks Fl Slideshow: FranMarie Henson Critchfield’s trip from Zanesville, Ohio, United States to Indian Rocks Beach, Florida was created by TripAdvisor. See another Indian Rocks Beach slideshow. Create a free slideshow with music from your travel photos.

2010 Long Boat Key Florida

2010 Long Boat Key Fl Slideshow: FranMarie Henson Critchfield’s trip from Zanesville, Ohio, United States to Longboat Key, Florida was created by TripAdvisor. See another Longboat Key slideshow. Create a free slideshow with music from your travel photos.

Last Of Long Boat Key Florida 2010

2010 Last of Long Boat Key Slideshow: FranMarie Henson Critchfield’s trip from Zanesville, Ohio, United States to Longboat Key, Florida was created by TripAdvisor. See another Longboat Key slideshow. Take your travel photos and make a slideshow for free.

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